Sunday, 28 February 2016

The first children to fill their sticker chart up.

Congratulations to Olivia, Matt, Charlotte and Caleb. They filled up their 'I am Super' sticker charts this week . They were able to choose something from the prize box. Well done and keep up the great work.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Dog Stories

Our shared book this week was called ‘Dog’. We made our own dogs bodies by ripping newspaper and then we added a tail, ears and a head. 

We decorated them. We then made up a sentence to describe our dog. 

Take a peek at some of our dogs and come into Room 9a to meet them all.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Swimming fun.

We enjoyed our swimming programme last week. A chance to cool down on those hot days and learn some new skills. We learnt how to keep safe around the pool. We learnt how to enter and exit the pool safely. This week we will set some swimming goals to work on.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Monday, 8 February 2016

Swimming starts Tuesday

Swimming starts tomorrow. 
Please bring your togs, towel and googles if you need them.
Please make sure all your uniform is named.
Our swimming days are Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays (even weeks).

We are learning to : enter and exit the pool safely.
We are learning to: freeze and listen when the whistle blows.