Monday, 23 May 2016

Working together

Drake, Matt and Peter worked really hard together today to make a candy shop at the collage/construction table.
They worked together to collaborate, incorporate everyone's ideas and to turn take to produce this wonderful sweet shop.
Isn't it awesome?

Tinker time

Last week we had the Osmo box for Tinker Time. It was a box of 3 ipads with special senors on the top and 3 different programmes for the children to try. So the children could choose to either complete puzzles using Tangram shapes, or solve word challenges or solve maths problems.
It was a lot of fun. Tiffany and Alice really enjoyed making shapes using the Tangram shapes.

Saturday, 7 May 2016


Room 9a wishes all our Mum's and Nana's a relaxing Mothers Day tomorrow.
I hope the children look after you today.
We hope you enjoy the beautiful cards we made you.
xxoo Room 9a
I loved you yesterday,
I love you today,
And I will love you tomorrow.
You were there for me on my first day of school,
To hold my hand and give me courage to go.
You listen to me when I need to talk.
You talk to me when I need to listen.
You let me grow and learn from my own mistakes.
You never leave my side when I feel sad.
I know you are there to pick me up.
I wish there was a way to repay all the things you have done for me.
But there is nothing great enough to repay you,

The greatest mother of all.